
This visualization lists the ten areas in quantum sensing that had the most publications each year from 1998-2008.

A projection is also included for the year 2025.

Controls at the top of the page will allow you to navigate through each year.

When you change years, each topic will slide up or down to its new rank.

Below each subject is a publication count. The percent change in publications from the prior year is also listed when applicable.

Clicking on a topic will show a short overview about the topic from Wikipedia, a line graph displaying trends, and the top researchers for the topic.


Click on the blue arrows to move backwards or forwards one year.

Use the drop down to jump to a specific year.

Click on a topic to view more information about it.

Click the link below the overview to read the entire Wikipedia article on the topic.

Click on a research group to open their website in a new window.

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Trends Over Time
Compared to most popular topic each year
Top Researchers