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<big>'''Web Science / Digital Library Research Group'''</big>
==Web Science - Digital Library Research Group==
This wiki is for the internal communication of the WS-DL research group. Please edit and contribute to keep this wiki up-to-date and useful.
'''WS-DL Member Info / Communication tools'''
==WS-DL Info and Status==
* [http://groups.google.com/group/ws-dl ws-dl google group]
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zS_fn48wmm-Ye3OtQNSzFtrPLvDIc8bU54eAAteRd4I/edit?usp=sharing ECSB 3102 Lab Layout]
* [http://ws-dl.blogspot.com/ ws-dl blog]  
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KMSlSDiebPeDgvf4DKijJrAoC8jG3Du7OLP1f_UmExo/edit?usp=sharing What It's Like to Work in the WS-DL Lab?]
* [http://www.citeulike.org/group/14777 ws-dl CiteULike page]
* [[Students]].  
* [[Projects]].  
* [[Projects]].  
** [[Project Wishlist]].
** [[Building Projects]].
* [[Datasets]].
* [[Blog Plan]].
* [[Writing good tweets, including "explainer threads"]].
* [[Publication plan]].
* [[Publication plan]].
** [[Are You On Track?]]
** [[Publication_Point_System| Publication Point System]]
** [[Publication_Success| Publication Success/Failure]]
** [[JCDL_Submissions|JCDL Submissions]]
* [[Proposal plan]].
* [[Proposal plan]].
** [[GrantTasks|Funded Proposal Tasks]]
** [[Proposals|Previous, Unsuccessful Proposals]].
* [[Scholarships and Awards]].
* [[Scholarships and Awards]].
* [[WS-DL Class Ideas]].
* [[WS-DL Class Ideas]].
* [[WS-DL Class Plan]].
* [[Invited talks]]
* [[Invited talks]]
* 2012 info
* 2025 Info
** [[Michael's Fall 2012 Weekly Meetings]].
** [[Michael's Spring 2025 Weekly Meetings]]
** [[Michael's Summer 2012 Weekly Meetings]].
** [[2025 Goals for WS-DL Members]]
** [[Michael's Spring 2012 Weekly Meetings]].
** [[2012 Goals for WS-DL Members]].
* 2024 Info
** [[Michael's Spring 2024 Weekly Meetings]]
** [[Michael's Summer 2024 Weekly Meetings]]
** [[Michael's Fall 2024 Weekly Meetings]]
** [[2024 Goals for WS-DL Members]]
* [[Prior Years Info]]
* [[Prior Years Info]]
'''Reference Material'''
==Onboarding new WS-DL Members==
If you're bringing someone into WS-DL, be sure they get accounts, register, follow, etc. with the following:
* [http://groups.google.com/group/ws-dl WS-DL Google Group / email list] - admin: MLN
* [http://ws-dl.blogspot.com/ WS-DL Blog] - admin: MLN
* [https://ws-dl.cs.odu.edu/wiki WS-DL Wiki] - admin: Himarsha Jayanetti (hjaya002@odu.edu) | [[Special:ListUsers|user list]]
** [[WS-DL Wiki: Ongoing Issues Reported to Systems]]
* [https://twitter.com/webscidl WS-DL Twitter @WebSciDL]
* [https://github.com/oduwsdl WS-DL GitHub Organization]
* [https://oduwsdl.slack.com/ WS-DL Slack]
* [http://ws-dl.cs.odu.edu WS-DL Website] - edits via https://github.com/oduwsdl/oduwsdl.github.io
** group logos - https://github.com/oduwsdl/logo
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FQfDkPpsw_mVSVn_cwMiBCJbnrdRnyjsUbworMIdL-I/edit Spectrum of Scholarly Communication] - this slide deck explains why we use Twitter, GitHub, Google Scholar, the blog, etc.
==Reference Material==
WS-DL on-campus/general:
* [[WS-DL Machines]]
* [[Printing]]
* [[Archives_in_the_news|Archives in the news]]
* [[New Web Repositories]].
* [http://www.cs.odu.edu/~mln/NASA-64-sp7010.pdf Clarity in Technical Reporting] (NASA SP-7010)
* [[Candidacy Proposals]] - dissertation proposals
* [[Dissertation Checklist]].
* [[Dissertation Checklist]].
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* [[Doctoral Consortium Submissions]].
* [[Doctoral Consortium Submissions]].
* [[Publication Point System]].
* [[LaTeX Templates]].
* [[arXiv Submission]]
* [[blanche machines]].
* [[IJDL Submission Lessons Learned]]
* [[Subversion]] &mdash; Source code repository and versioning.
* [[IR/Data Mining/NLP tips and tricks and code -- (work in progress)]].
* [[Using R]].
* [[Data Science ebooks]]
* [[LaTeX Templates]].
* [[IR/Data Mining/NLP tips and tricks and code -- (work in progress)]].
* [[Weka]].
* [[Weka]].
* [[New Web Repositories]].
* [[MechanicalTurk]]
* [[Subversion]] &mdash; Source code repository and versioning.
* [https://webspace.cs.odu.edu/~gpd/Production/phd/mediawiki/index.php/Progress_Reports PhD Student Progress Reports]
* [[Using R]].
* [[AWStats]]
* [[AWStats]]
* [[TimeMap ETag Notes]]
* [[LLMs]]

Latest revision as of 15:04, 6 January 2025

Web Science - Digital Library Research Group

This wiki is for the internal communication of the WS-DL research group. Please edit and contribute to keep this wiki up-to-date and useful.

WS-DL Info and Status

Onboarding new WS-DL Members

If you're bringing someone into WS-DL, be sure they get accounts, register, follow, etc. with the following:

Reference Material

WS-DL on-campus/general:



  • Subversion — Source code repository and versioning.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.